A Creative Life Across the Globe
image by Billie Brook
If you had told me, when I was in my 30's that one day I'd be traveling the globe signing my books, teaching floral design, and speaking I would have thought you were crackers. Mind you, I'd have thought you were crackers if you had told me 5 years ago, let alone 20.
In the early 1990'swhen I was considering my career options, (that didn't involve drinking and dancing into the small hours), and pursuing a creative life just never seemed to be an option.
A successful life by society’s standards meant an office, regular 9 to 5 working hours, and having an impressive fax machine (we are talking 1991 here before mobile phones had changed the world).
My fine art degree was largely seen as a frivolity and certainly not something that I would be able to make a living from. but These days you can make a career from being a creative.
I wear a number of different hats, sometimes all at the same time, photographer, flower arranger, garden designer, writer, mural artist, and gardener….They have all contributed to my story. apart from the garden design, which I have practiced for over 20 years, the others have happened relatively recently. I think this is because I have finally allowed myself to listen to my curiosity and believe that success can be many things, and that in turn has led me to where I find myself today.
Nothing is impossible, and sometimes following your dreams takes courage but living a creative in life can be a real and rather fabulous thing.
Never let go of your dreams. I can’t promise you’ll be fabulously rich but I can promise you that you will meet incredible like-minded people. make friends across the globe and doors will open where you never dreamed possible.
Images taken by Billie Brooke from an evening in Wellington.NZ last week,
Organized by Amanda from ‘Small Acorns the Store’ and
Sarah from Hobbin and Hodge.